Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Chelsea -New Pool

Now that Summer has arrived and its getting hot Mum and Dad got me a new pool to swim in. I love it! It's bright and colourful and I played in it for ages. It has a hoop game that floats around in the pool. I have fun stacking rings on it. It has a spray arch that I try to drink out of and a slide that Dad helps me go down.

Chelsea's November News

I'm now 18 months old, weigh 10.6kg and 83 cm in height. Nurse Kathy just gave me my last lot of needles for a while. I now have twelve teeth which is great for chewing up Dads gourmet meals. I love going to playgroup and swimming every week with Mum!
Now that I am older I have learnt a lot of words. My vocabulary includes Mum, Dad, pat, hello, bye, Dorothy, Wiggles, guitar, please, milk, dog, pig, draw, music, backpack, map and Dora. I also love making different animal noises. These include tiger, cow, pig, snake, crocodile, dog, and cat.