Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Fun!

This Easter was spent at Narrandera with the Grahams.

On Saturday the To family went to Narrandera Park where the Hot Rods were showing. Chelsea had fun with Chris on the playground equipment while Mum and Kalan watched under a shady tree. The To family then went on the Lions train for a ride around town with Uncle Michael and the boy

On Easter Sunday Chelsea had lots of fun collecting colourful Easter eggs that the Easter bunny had hidden outside in the yard. She found fourteen eggs all up and put them in her Easter bag that had a yellow chicken on it. The Easter Bunny also left some around the yard for Tristan, Ben and Chris to find.

Chelsea then had lots of fun opening the eggs up and eating the lollies and chocolate in them.

Kalan didn't miss out either as the Easter Bunny left him a Winnie the Pooh chocolate egg. He was also given a chocolate bunny from our friends the Harrisons (both dairy free)