Monday, September 21, 2009

Going To The Beach!

Chelsea was very excited about going to the beach

On Friday morning she woke up early and said " Wake up Mum its beach day!, When can we wake Kalan up?'' He heard her and woke up. Then we packed for our stay out the beach house and headed down to Bateman's Bay. We got there around lunch time and grabed some fish and chips for lunch and ate on a picnic bench near the beach. Then we went down to the beach to build some sandcastles. Chelsea had collected some seashells and after she built her sandcastle used the shell to decorate it. Kalan built his castle and kept saying " Dad see castle".

We then headed to Mogo Zoo which is about 10 kms out of Batman's Bay.

Chelsea loved seeing the zebra, snow leopard, otters and red pandas. Kalan liked the monkeys.
Bernie liked the lions and tigers.

Kalan and Chelsea got to feed the deers .

After the zoo we headed back to the beach house and went to the park close by. Then we had dinner and the Chelsea and Kalan were ready for bed.

The next day after breakfast Chelsea and Kalan built sandcastles and checked out the pool where we were staying. I think Chelsea was surprised it was cold. Always swims in heated pools! She still love it any way and did some sunbaking afterwards. Kalan also had fun in the pool and Mum was surprised he went in at all.