Friday, October 24, 2008

Kalan's Trip to Hospital

Kalan fell over and hurt his eye on a corner aisle at Kmart on Friday night.

With a lot of blood coming out near his eye Mum took him to the emergency room at Woden hospital.

Kalan was seen by a nurse straight away and cleaned up the eye area but had to wait quite a while to see a doctor. Even though it was really late Kalan spent most of the waiting time playing in the children's area.

After a short nap the we saw a nice doctor who gave him three stitches. He was a little unwell with a chest infection that day so Kalan couldn't be sedated. Kalan had no choice to be brave and tough out the doctors stitch work under a local anesthetic (yes he was awake for it).

Monday, October 20, 2008

Daddy's Birthday!

On Saturday family and friends came over to celebrate Bernie's party.

Mum organised a soccer party for Daddy with Chelseas help.

The younger children (Lainee, Chelsea and Ashton) had lots of fun trying to break the soccerball pinata with a stick.

We had soccer balloons, blowouts, party hats, and goodie bags at the party.

After a delicious birthday lunch everyone enjoyed some yummy chocolate birthday cake!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ashton's Third Birthday!

Chelsea and Kalan had a lots of fun at Ashton's party.
Kalan and Chelsea spent some time cooking with the kitchen toys that were set up outside next to Ashton's playhouse.'Chelsea really enjoyed jumping on the trampoline and Kalan loved riding around in the little tike's car and kicking a ball around.
Chelsea had fun pulling the strings on the Thomas The Tank Engine pinata and collecting all the goodies that came out.
After eating some yummy party food and Thomas the Tank Engine birthday cake Ashton opened up his presents.
Chelsea had picked out a Diego toy for Ashton present and after he opened it up the two of them enjoyed playing with it. It was a rain forest slide that came with two vehicles to go down it.